Nagarahavu is an upcoming Kannada Fantasy-epic film directed by Kodi Ramakrishna and presented by Sajid Qureshi (INBOX PICTURES) Jayantilal Gada (PEN MOVIES). First time in history of Indian cinema, bringing back late Dr. Vishnuvardhan on screen. The film features Diganth, Ramya in lead roles and the movie has set a high level expectation on bringing back the legendary actor Dr. Vishnuvardhan with latest head replacement technology. Hence it is known as 201st movie of Vishnuvardhan. The visual effects are given by Makuta VFX. Audio rights has been taken by Sony Music India.Directed by Kodi RamakrishnaProduced by Sajid Qureshi , Dhaval Gada , Sohail AnsariWritten by MS Ramesh (dialogues)Starring Dr. Vishnuvardhan, Ramya, Diganth, Sai Kumar, Rajesh Vivek Upadhyay, Mukul Dev, Ravi Kale and Others.Music by GurukiranCinematography by VenuEdited by Joni HarshaCountry: IndiaLanguage: Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, Hindi.
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